Animal Control Lakeland | Animal Removal | All Creatures Wildlife
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Do You Need Wildlife Removal? Call 863-660-0985

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About Dustin

Dustin Hooper is an accomplished veteran in the animal control and wildlife removal profession. Dustin possesses an uncompromising, personal commitment to saving every animal that he can. Therefore, he always takes a caring, humane approach to removing wildlife from your property. Consequently, Dustin is often called upon by the News Media to provide his professional opinion on air.

Dustin Hooper - All Creatures Wildlife

Who we are

All Creatures Wildlife is a compassionate full-service wildlife removal company serving west-central Florida. Dustin is professionally trained, certified and licensed in wildlife removal and damage control for both residential and commercial properties. All Creatures Wildlife Control handles almost all facets of wildlife control and critter removal. We will do our best to assist with property damage as well.

Animal Removal Reviews

Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein

Professional Wildlife Removal

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Animal Removal, Wildlife Removal
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